
Welcome to Tumaini Fund Canada

“Tumaini” is Swahili for hope and the Tumaini Fund is bringing support and hope for a better future to AIDS orphans widows and poor families in the Kagera region in the north-west of Tanzania. Support work in Kagera is delivered through 5 hubs of social-workers based in the towns of Muleba, Ngara, Chato, Karagwe and Biharamulo.

During the genocides in Rwanda and Burundi, rebels fled across the border into Tanzania raising HIV infectivity from 2.8% to 28% and leaving communities in desperate need.

Infant mortality is 12% in Kagera, with 12 in every 100 infants born dying before the age of 1, usually due to gastroenteritis.

We are motivated by Jesus’s words: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.

Estimated number of AIDS orphans in Kagera: 
In June of 2022 TOSO coordinators reported that approximately 100,000 orphans were receiving some help, and then in 2024 the number rose to 200,000, meaning that much more financial assistance is needed.

Tumaini Students in Primary School need school uniforms, required Daftari notebooks, pens and pencils.

Vocational Schools for Tailoring and Carpentry also teach English, math, personal health and business. [Tailoring students practice sewing on newspaper for the first year; then sew school uniforms during their second year after which they graduate and are given their treadle sewing machine to take back to their home and start a business.]   

Tumaini Students in Secondary School

In 2025 Tumaini will assist some to register for trade school classes. After they become certified as plumbers or electricians, they will be able to support their own families.

Tumaini Students in Higher Education:
A Levels
Technical Colleges (2-year courses in Dispensary Training, Teacher Training, Social Work, Agriculture, Accounting, …)
University: Tumaini is pleased to have its first orphan graduate as a medical doctor.

Please join us as we work to alleviate the poverty and suffering of these orphans who need the most basics of life that we take for granted – safe shelter, food to eat, clean water, bed to sleep on, adult care and education to change their lives for the future.

Tumaini Fund Canada
Registered as a Canadian charity in 2013
Charity Reg. No. 84352 7938 RR0001